Reverse Phone Lookup Ct, Connecticut, CT

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Reverse Phone Lookup Ct, Connecticut, CT

A reverse phone number lookup Connecticut can be the difference in knowing and not knowing an owner of a phone number. From this site you can be able to perform a reverse phone lookup ct, Connecticut and find out who owns the number that has been calling you.

Enter the phone number on the search bar to search. This will reveal the name and physical address of the person who owns the number at no cost. This search is unlike a totally free reverse phone number lookup with a name, which gives you the phone number and address. There is also a list of numbers below that you can look from.

Most Reported Reverse Phone Lookups in Connecticut

There are spam and unwanted phone numbers also in Connecticut. The phone numbers that are listed below are recently reported numbers and are regularly being searched. A list of more numbers is also available on the area codes that are found on this site. With this information, you can find the person who called you.

Connecticut Area Codes


203 – Located in the south western region of Connecticut, this area code serves East Haven, Danbury, Bridgeport, Milford, Meriden, Trumbull, Stratford, Westport, West Haven and more. Learn more on area code 203 and its numbers that are frequently reported.

475 – Found in the south western part of Connecticut, this area code is an overlay of area code 203. Find out more about area code 475 and its regularly reported numbers.

860 – Located in the northern as well as the south eastern part of Connecticut, this area code has East Hartford, Central Manchester, Bristol, Hartford, New Britain Middletown, Norwich, Newington, Torrington and others. Find more details on area code 860 and its frequently reported numbers.